
Outfit Of the day 5.31.11

Forest Green Sweater- Urban Outfitters 
Vintage DKNY jeans- Goodwill
Tommy Hilfiger Wedges



Ever need a random tip like 'How to wear hot pink lipstick' or just looking for a casual yet trendy fashion blog/site? Check out http://www.collegefashion.net/ That website is so awesome. It's filled with so many amazing outfits, inspiration, tips, and ideas. Their main thing is about college fashion hence, the name. But, the great thing is, you don't even have to be in college to understand or get some inspiration. Check it out and we promise you'll come out with some knowledge.


Hi. This is our first post as you can see. First off, let me introduce ourselves. My name is Angeline and mine is Mariyesi. We are best friends and are going to show the world (well the part of the world who wants to read) our style and fashion and maybe even makeup too. We've been contemplating on whether or not we should start it but since we have imaginary spare time on our hands, why not? Look out world! Here comes Angie and Mari! :)
*P.S. You might want to excuse are sarcasm and cheesyness.